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Month: July 2018

Canyonlands National Park

Canyonlands National Park

Canyonlands National Park has three sections; Island in the Sky, the Needles, and the Maze. These sections are separated by the Colorado and Green River and there is no way to access the different sections unless you leave the park. Island in the Sky is the most popular (i.e the most crowded) due to its proximity to Moab, while the Needles is the next most visited section, and the Maze is extremely remote and has limited visitors due to it mostly…

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Mesa Verde National Park

Mesa Verde National Park

This was a park that I had visited when I was younger, but had very little memory of. Ancestral puebloans lived here from about 550 to 1300 before they left for other areas – but had left hundreds of amazing cliff dwellings, history and mysteries to be discovered, and an incredibly unique National Park.  Before you go, make sure to purchase your tour tickets. There are limited tickets per day and can only be bought up to 48 hours in…

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